Exhibitions opening & live music, 5pm Saturday, 5 April 2025. FREE entry, with full bar, great food
Exhibitions opening & live music, 5pm Saturday, 5 April 2025. FREE entry, with full bar, great food, & spectacular views over the Derbal Yerrigan.
Kieron Broadhurst and Ash Tower, Border Chronicle (Gallery 1)
Kieron Broadhurst and Ash Tower’s new work Border Chronicle proposes the existence of a museum of nothing-in-particular. Within this space authoritative taxonomies and systems of knowledge production are rejected in favour of poetics. Novel arrangements take priority over the production of hierarchies. Things are not known, they are felt.
This exhibition borrows from the non-conventional modes of display found within community and hobby museums. It prioritises these alternative systems over more dominant, institutional modes of knowledge production. In doing so, Border Chronicle explores the poetic potentiality that exists between objects, images, and ideas within these unconventional spaces.
Exhibition open 5 April, continues until 20 May 2025.
Katie Ryan, A Venn diagram (Gallery 2)
A Venn diagram is a solo exhibition of new sculptures by Naarm-based artist Katie Ryan. Made using flyscreen, clay and everyday objects, these works examine the intersection of contradictory or opposed spheres.
Produced through abstraction, diagrams present the relationship between a set of ideas as logical, contained and self-evident through ‘empirical’ aesthetics. In this exhibition, the diagram is imbued with absurd content, alluding to its fraudulent potential.
These works are further informed by cultural theorist Sianne Ngai’s concept of the gimmick, a contradictory and uniquely capitalist form. Frequently uttered, the judgement of ‘gimmick’ demonstrates an everyday understanding of value, labour and time. A gimmick is a device that makes dubious but attractive promises of saving us time, reducing labour or increasing value.
Both diagrams and gimmicks contain fraudulent potential. For A Venn diagram forms and metaphors are stretched and everyday materials are encouraged to perform in unexpected or dubious ways.
Exhibition open 5 April, continues until 20 May 2025.
Goolugatup Sounds 24 (!)
From 5pm Saturday, 5 April 2025.
GOOLUGATUP SOUNDS returns for its 24th edition ~ acts TBA
Image: Kieron Broadhurst and Ash Tower, Border Chronicle (detail), ceramic, acrylic, pva, tea, jarrah, and felt, dimensions variable, artists' own image.
Event link
Artist Talks: Kieron Broadhurst & Katie Ryan
Join us for an artist talk with Kieron Broadhurst & Katie Ryan - the exhibiting artists of Goolugatup Heathcote's latest exhibitions.
OPENING: Kieron Broadhurst & Ash Tower, Katie Ryan, Sounds 24
Exhibitions opening & live music, 5pm Saturday, 5 April 2025. FREE entry, with full bar, great food
VHS Tracking Presents.... The Last Wave (1977) with Jessyca Hutchens
Please join us for the next edition of VHS Tracking Presents - Goolugatup's film club. The program invites local artists to present a film.
VHS Tracking Presents.... Wake in Fright (1971) with Duncan Wright
The program invites local artists to present a wide-ranging selection of art films, classics, and new wave cinema. Curated by iconic Boorloo film critic Tristan Fidler, the creator of the celebrated local VHS Tracking film zine, and hosted by Goolugatup Gallery monthly.
VHS Tracking Presents.... Phenomena (1985) with Sean Morris
The program invites local artists to present a wide-ranging selection of art films, classics, and new wave cinema. Curated by iconic Boorloo film critic Tristan Fidler, the creator of the celebrated local VHS Tracking film zine, and hosted by Goolugatup Gallery monthly.
Goolugatup Heathcote is located on the shores of the Derbal Yerrigan, in the suburb of Applecross, just south of the centre of Boorloo Perth, WA. It is 10 minute drive from the CBD, the closest train station is Canning Bridge, and the closest bus route the 148.
58 Duncraig Rd, Applecross, Boorloo (Perth), Western AustraliaOpen 10–4 Tuesday–Sunday, closed public holidays. The grounds are open 24/7.